You have questions? We have the answers.
Will things get better on their own?
We really hope so. But in our experience, it probably won’t.
Where was your child and family situation one year ago? Where are things now? Where do you see things in a year if you continue on this way?
We sincerely wish there wasn’t a need for our services. But we know that the need is real. And we are thankful that those who need our services are brave enough to seek them.
Instead of asking yourself if things are bad enough to get help, instead ask yourself: How much more destruction am I going to allow before I say enough is enough? What is my last straw? Maybe you’re already there.
Program Eligibility
Our Marshall and Winona sites serve females, and our Parker locations serve males. Teens in our program must be ages 12-17 and not pregnant or chemically dependent. Families should live within a reasonable driving distance. This is because parents must commit to the program requirements which include traveling to the site weekly on Fridays for parenting class, sessions with their teen’s biblical counselor, and visits or home passes with their teen. These parental requirements are a key component of our program and are non-negotiable. These requirements are not offered over video conferencing or telecommunication.
Many applicants to the Hope Harbor program have participated in behaviors that have caused disruption in their lives and the lives of others, including but not limited to: self-harm, depression, eating disorders, anxiety problems, sexual abuse and exploitation, self-esteem issues, bullying or being bullied, anger and aggression, pornography, promiscuity including online, legal trouble, problems at home, runaway, past abuse, and other self-destructive behaviors.
Hope Harbor is an interdenominational, Christ-centered, and biblically based ministry committed to following Jesus in all we do. We are not affiliated with any denomination; we are simply Christian. All healing is from a biblical perspective; counseling, spiritual growth, life skills, and education include Christian spiritual growth initiatives. We attend various churches and hold a Chapel on site. We weave prayer and devotions through our daily activities and our school curriculum is Accelerated Christian Education. Families do not need to be Christian to enroll in our program. Typically, those seeking our services are looking for a Christian program for their family.
Most Frequent Questions for Parents
The teens who come to Hope Harbor are not bad kids, messed up, bad seeds, troubled kids, delinquents, or any of the other lies the enemy would have the world believe about them. They are children of God, created with a plan and a purpose, overcoming the attack on their lives and their families through the blood of Jesus Christ. They are just like you and me, who have all gone through our battles. The pain that comes with the challenging situations teens face today can cause wounds and scars that need to be healed. We offer a hand that will guide them and their entire family in the right direction. We shouldn’t simply exist or survive the difficult circumstances around us. We should thrive despite them.
This is a question we are frequently asked, and we confidently respond with: NO. It only takes one person to change a cycle, and as parents, we must be the ones to recognize the need for change. Being a parent is the biggest responsibility we may have in our lives. Incredible courage is needed to ask for help and the deepest love for your child is shown when you make this difficult choice to seek placement in a program like Hope Harbor. But as only you know, when you are at this point of seeking help, you have exhausted all other options. This is not a decision made lightly or frivolously. It is done with a heart that chooses the life of their child. That is good parenting.
Not every call to Hope Harbor results in placement. Sometimes we can recommend resources that can help you shift the trajectory of your family without the need for our services. We sincerely hope that’s the case. For those who could benefit from our program, we’ll be honest with you and let you know how we might be able to help. In those cases, the sooner we can start working together the better. The opinions and suggestions of those who know your teen and your family are usually well-meaning, but might lack experience and lack witness, and are usually shared with a cloud of emotion. Only your family knows the gravity of your situation. And after all these years, we’re pretty familiar with it, too. Let’s talk.
This program is for the whole family. We believe parent involvement is vital for everyone to heal. The battles your family is facing are not any one person’s fault; you’re all living in an unhealthy cycle that needs to change. So everyone is going to take part in that. We insist that families come each week to see their children at Hope Harbor. Residents live on-site, while their parents and family participate in the healing process through a commitment to individual biblical counseling and group parenting class, participation in weekly visits, passes, and phone calls, and program support for their child’s healing. In these ways, the entire family works together to make positive changes so the transition back into a home of reconciliation and healing. Many parents discover that as their teen settles into their program, they need healing, too.
This program requirement means parents must travel to the site where their teen is placed each Friday for the duration of their teen’s program. This is non-negotiable for placement and central to each teen’s healing. It is important for families to see each other weekly, to remain connected, and for parents to know what is going on in their teen’s life at Hope Harbor. These sessions are not offered over video conferencing or telecommunication, unless for an occasional emergency that a parent cannot attend on-site. While these services may help bridge communication in a pinch, it is imperative that parents see and hug their kids every week to keep connected, watch them grow, and help them know they are safe and loved. It is a lot of travel, it is a lot of scheduling, and it’s a huge commitment – but you won’t regret the time you pour into your teen.
Most Frequent Questions for Youth
Admission to Hope Harbor is a unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for teens to focus on themselves and their needs. A year may seem like a lot now, but it is just a drop in the bucket of your entire life. With all the pressures teens face today, it would be unfair to include the added pressure of outside peer influence from day one. For many teens, a break from the toxicity of peers is needed and most teens thrive by putting those influences on hold to focus on what truly matters. As you progress through the program, peers from home are reintroduced through letters, calls, and home visits, with parent approval. In order to allow our residents to get the most out of their time with us, they will not have romantic relationships until they are ready to transition home at program's end.
Both will be there when you are finished with the program, most likely. We are confident that the teens in our program are able to meet the challenge of living without social media, cell phones, boyfriends, girlfriends, best friends, and frenemies. In fact, many of our residents find immense relief from the pressure and obligation that comes with these things and discover they don’t really miss them at all. Phones, tablets, computers, and other personal devices are not allowed for residents at Hope Harbor. As teens progress through our program, we teach social media and online safety and wellness classes for teens and parents and work together to create safer online use plans for each family. Residents may receive mail from people on their contact list. If you know a teen at Hope Harbor and would like to be added to the contact list, please first connect with the parent directly to request an add. For privacy reasons, we cannot disclose to anyone over the phone/email if a teen is at Hope Harbor. You will need to go through that teen’s parents first.
While at Hope Harbor, you will not participate in the extracurriculars you were involved in at home. Your school teams, clubs, youth group, prom, and even family trips will not be an option while enrolled. The circumstances leading to Hope Harbor have already interrupted the possibility of participating in these activities for most of our program's teens. It’s hard to consider missing these things. Our goal is to get you and your family positioned to participate next year without disruption.
We require year-round schooling at Hope Harbor for everyone. Many teens arrive behind in school for several reasons, often related to the circumstances that brought them here. That’s not the case for everyone. Even those who are on track in school can use the summer to keep on track or even move ahead academically allowing for a smoother transition back to school when the time comes. We love to plan field trips and other activities when everyone is caught up, so working hard will pay off, even in the summer.
The decision to place at Hope Harbor is not made lightly. It’s not the first option parents seek, it’s actually a last resort. We do not recommend parents jump to placement over minor or first-time issues. Even if you don’t see it this way, the truth is that by the time parents contact us there is a lot h more going on and all other options have been exhausted. Sometimes families need more help than what is offered at home. The difference at Hope Harbor is that the entire family has to make changes. Your parents will be required to attend weekly sessions and classes too. They will be expected to make changes and do the work, too. When we say this is a family program, we mean that. It’s time for everyone to make a change. Item description
How do I know if it’s time to get help?